Friday, October 23, 2009

Green Porno

You should absolutely start watching Isabella Rossellini's short film series "Green Porno", available to watch at the Sundance Channel website here.

I've seen all three seasons, and I have to say she's completely brilliant. Ostensibly it's a series about the sexual habits and characteristics of various animals (insects, ocean creatures, you name it). It becomes so much more than that in the viewing. Rossellini, in donning the animal costumes and performing these sexual acts invites a completely new reading. Rather than a "simple" documentary film, her work becomes a complex relationship between information about nature and poetry that seems to revel in the intricacies and beauty of nature. Her dialogue is more lyrical than you'd expect, and what is titillating and exciting at first becomes moving and provocative as you continue.

It was difficult to embed the videos directly from the site, and YouTube had a limited selection of them to choose from. My favorite was the shrimp episode from Season 3 (so by all means, watch that one)--but here is another really great one:

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